June 05, 2007

Campcaster powers Univalle Estéreo in Cali, Colombia

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The newest radio station to be powered by Campcaster is Univalle Estereo, a university radio station located in Cali, Colombia’s Universidad del Valle. As Juan M. Triana writes:

I want to announce to you that since June 4, Univalle Estéreo 105.3FM in Cali, Colombia has been using Campcaster for broadcast automation.

Univalle Estéreo is the radio station of Universidad del Valle, the largest university in Southwest Colombia. The station is 11 years old and covers a population of 5 million people. Its programs are diverse including news (BBC affiliate), cultural affairs, music (mainly Adult Pop but also salsa, Colombian folk, metal, opera, classic, jazz, new age, etc) and sports.

You can visit us at http://emisora.univalle.edu.co

If your station is using Campcaster, we’d love to know about it. Drop us a line at contact(at)campware.org.


Posted 2009-08-31 17:34:00 by flamelcanto@gmail.com
I would like to know if they are using Campcaster in English or Spanish??
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