Welcome to the Campcaster Developers Page!

Campcaster is a free and open source automation system for radio stations. It provides live studio broadcast capabilities as well as remote automation in one integrated system.

Campcaster has been developed by an international consortium of developers and designers led by the Media Development Loan Fund (MDLF), at its Center for Advanced Media Prague (CAMP) as part of its Campware Initiative.

For Users

  • Campcaster Home Page: Latest News, Screenshots
  • Download the latest release : Download Campcaster
  • Note: The current beta packages for Campcaster 1.4 “Monrovia” only work with Ubuntu 8.04 “Hardy”. They will not work with 8.10 “Intrepid” due to a known issue.

User Documentation

For Developers

Developers: Specs

Developers: Design and Mockups

Want to access the latest code?

To access the subversion repository, use this URL (for anonymous access):

svn checkout svn://source.campware.org/campcaster/trunk/campcaster