Campcaster 1.0
Demo and Install CD


This CD is a bootable version of Linux for PCs that includes a demo version of Campcaster preinstalled.

To start, insert this CD into your CD-ROM drive and restart your computer.
You will be prompted for a boot option. Type ‘knoppix’ and the enter key and the startup procedure will continue.

The K Desktop environment (KDE), which is very similar to Windows, will appear. To start the Campcaster Studio application, click on its desktop icon.

For both Campcaster Studio and web access, The username is ‘root,’ and the password is ‘q’ for the demo.

You may also access Campcaster Station on this demo through a web browser. Click the globe icon in the task bar to start the Mozilla Firefox browser.

In the URL field, type: http://localhost/campcaster.

You may also choose to install the operating system and Campcaster to your hard disk. Note: Installation to the hard disk is intended for experienced users, and is intended for new computers.

As with most open source software, Campcaster is undergoing frequent updates. For more information, including news about program updates, check our website frequently at