Ticket #3002 (new task)

Opened 2 weeks ago

Last modified 2 weeks ago

Write howto for migration from other CMSes

Reported by: douglas Assigned to: micz
Priority: normal Milestone: Summercamp 2009 Tasks
Component: Admin Interface Version: 3.3.2
Severity: feature Keywords:
Cc: douglas


A new howto should focus on issues faced by users coming to Campsite from other CMSes.

Such a document should begin with Joomla, WordPress and Drupal, but should provide a model for other CMSes as well.

The documentation should also provide a glossary for differing terminology between the projects (keywords and topics in Campsite vs. tags and categories in WordPress, for example).

This document could also be part of the new Cookbook document or the main Campsite manual.

Change History

  09/05/09 19:06:02 changed by douglas

  • type changed from defect to enhancement.

  09/05/09 19:08:45 changed by sava

  • type changed from enhancement to task.