Ticket #2808 (new defect)

Opened 6 months ago

Last modified 6 months ago

Allow existing image numbers to be editable

Reported by: douglas Assigned to: anonymous
Priority: normal Milestone: zero
Component: Admin Interface Version: 3.2.0
Severity: minor Keywords:

Description (Last modified by douglas)

With Campsite 3.2.0, the Upload Image function allows the user to write in an image number. This image number is used by many sites to determine the placement of the photo on the page.

With a newly-uploaded image, a user can set this image number in the pop-up menu, but when a user tries to attach an existing image, the number is set and is uneditable.

However, the number can be changed by clicking on the image after it has been added.

Ideally, the user would be able to set the number of the image for either existing or new images.

Change History

  03/28/09 15:24:48 changed by douglas

  • description changed.

  03/30/09 11:00:28 changed by mugur

  • milestone changed from bugreports to zero.