Ticket #2312 (new enhancement)

Opened 10 months ago

font of the audio files in the Live Mode has to be smaller

Reported by: robert Assigned to: anonymous
Priority: high Milestone: 1.4.0-Monrovia
Component: Development Environment Version: 1.4.0-Monrovia
Severity: major Keywords:


Looking in 1280×800 resolution, font of audio file names is the same as audio file names in the Live Mode (like they have the same importance). So, the font of audio files in the Live Mode should be smaller. Also, because of too big fonts in the Live MOde, it is not possible to see more than 4 files in the list without scrolling. In this case, it is necessary to see at least 10 (10-15) files at once in the window without scrolling it. More audio files in the list gives visually more clean situation.