I successfully installed Ubuntu 6.06 Server with Xubuntu desktop and programmed the first week test programs that were broadcasted into air. It was saturday evening and I programmed some songs to be played after 11 P.M. and a big test-program after them. After the songs the big program didn’t start and neither anything after it in the next morning. I rebooted the computer but it didn’t help. However rebooting the scheduler made everything to work well since that. In other words, the problem disappear without any clear reason. I am bit nervous if that happens again. All other alsa programs were able to play except Campcaster. The server was 1,8 GHz with 384 MB RAM.
I had similar problem with Ubuntu 6.06 Desktop too (in different computer). It wasn’t able to play anything at all at first. I changed audioDevice in scheduler xml from “hw:0,0” to “default” and restarted the scheduler from command line. It helped. However, after rebooting the computer campcaster was not able to play a new playlist I scheduled. I rebooted the computer and no sound. After rebooting the scheduler and rescheduling the playlist there was sound. Again, all other alsa programs were able to play except Campcaster. This computer is 550 MHz with 256 MB RAM.
I have third installation also in my primary desktop with is Ubuntu 6.10 in Athlon64 3700+ with 1GB RAM. There have been no problems with it at all.