In the admin interface’s ‘Content’ pulldown, users have to navigate to a section before finding out how many articles are in it. It may be useful to change the UI to allow either the count of articles in a section, or the pulldown list of the articles inside the section itself.
Two examples from cs-dev, where -> is the pulldown:
-> Dynamic
-> 3. News (English)
-> 10. News (English) - 26 articles
Content pulldown
-> Dynamic
-> 3. News (English)
-> 10. News (English)
-> Article name 1
Article name 2
Article name 3
... Article name N
Such a feature could be set in the ‘Configure’ -> System Preferences menu, where you would have the following options:
Content pulldown
[x] Show count of articles in section
[x[ List articles in section pulldown
[20] Number of articles to be listed in section pulldown