Ticket #2029 (new defect)

Opened 3 years ago

Last modified 10 months ago

Campcaster-Web: ‘Could not connect to scheduler’ error message even when scheduler is running

Reported by: douglas Assigned to: sebastian
Priority: low Milestone: 1.4.0-Monrovia
Component: Development Environment Version:
Severity: minor Keywords:
Cc: [email protected]

Description (Last modified by douglas)

Reported by the Salam Watandar network:

In Campcaster-Web as of [2582], the web interface always throws a ‘Could not connect to scheduler’ error even when the scheduler has been restarted. Refreshing once or twice restores correct function, but it seems that the web interface isn’t correctly calling the status function for the scheduler.

To reproduce:

1) Stop the scheduler

2) Reload any page in the web interface. This will correctly throw a ‘could not connect to scheduler’ error

3) Start the scheduler

4) Reload the page again. This will incorrectly throw a ‘could not connect to scheduler’ error

5) Reload the page once or twice again and the error will go away.

Change History

  11/29/06 16:16:32 changed by paul

  • priority changed from normal to low.

  12/01/06 16:33:08 changed by paul

  • milestone changed from 1.1.0-Freetown to 1.1.5 – Radio Package.

  08/02/07 14:45:06 changed by douglas

  • owner changed from paul to sebastian.
  • description changed.

  08/17/08 17:03:58 changed by douglas

  • milestone changed from 1.3.0-Dakar to 1.4.0-Monrovia.