Ticket #1797 (new defect)

Opened 4 years ago

Last modified 4 months ago

Automatic thumbnail handling

Reported by: douglas Assigned to: anonymous
Priority: normal Milestone: zero
Component: Admin Interface Version:
Severity: feature Keywords:
Cc: sava

Description (Last modified by mugur)

When a user uploads an image, they should have the option of automatically creating one or more thumbnails. An admin user should be able to set the global thumbnail size (or multiple sizes) specifying either horizontal size, vertical size or both. On input, Campsite would pass the relevant values to ImageMagick?.

Depending on their rights, most users would only have the ability to automatically create (and then place) thumbnails. The image display popup would have to denote whether an image had a thumbnail or not.

In the template language, directives governing thumbnail usage could also be added to the template language as an expression of the image command, such as <!* Print ImageThumbnail? [image_number]> or <!* If ImageThumbnail? [image_number]>. In addition, another directive could specify whether the enlarged image were to be opened in a new window or in the same window.

In the image archive, a user with appropriate rights would have the ability to generate thumbnails retroactively for one or more images if none have already been created.

Change History

  03/20/06 14:30:27 changed by mugur

  • description changed.

  03/22/06 23:20:57 changed by paul

  • owner changed from paul to anonymous.

  05/13/09 09:29:50 changed by mugur

  • version deleted.