Ticket #1680 (new defect)

Opened 4 years ago

Last modified 3 years ago

Paste into WYSIWYG editor is possible even if popups are blocked by Firefox 1.5

Reported by: sava Assigned to: anonymous
Priority: normal Milestone: zero
Component: WYSIWYG editor Version: 2.4.0
Severity: minor Keywords:


It is possible to paste text into Xinha under Firefox 1.5 even if the site is not on the list those exempt from the popup blocker.

If a user igonres the warning that paste is not allowed, and pastes the text (meanwhile not allowing popups for the site), the paste still happens, and all the MS word junk (superfluous tags) is saved into the database.

Change History

  02/15/06 17:40:01 changed by paul

  • milestone changed from 2.5.0 to 2.6.0.

  05/12/06 17:00:54 changed by paul

  • status changed from new to closed.
  • resolution set to wontfix.

This is user’s problem – they have to enable popups for campsite.

  05/12/06 18:06:36 changed by sava

  • status changed from closed to reopened.
  • resolution deleted.

It is not user’s problem. Xinha should respect the default behavior enforced by Firefox, i.e. not allow pasting into body-type fields until you enable popups. If that works, the user will easily enable popups, and that would be it. So we can’t close this bug.

  06/23/06 20:35:13 changed by paul

  • owner changed from paul to peterjh.
  • status changed from reopened to new.

  06/23/06 21:33:32 changed by peterjh

  • status changed from new to assigned.

I don’t quite get it: Why would someone want to disable pasting into Xinha?

  06/23/06 21:59:58 changed by paul

When someone pastes text into Xinha, we want to strip all MSWord styles from it (because people are usually pasting from MSWord). In order to implement this, we have to popup a window. However, firefox disables popups by default, until the user says that popups are ok for that site. If the popup is blocked, the text is pasted directly into Xinha with all the MSWord styles. The journalist doesnt notice this and then submits the article with all kinds of wonky formatting.

We want to prevent the pasting of the text when the popup is disabled. See javascript/xinha/CampsiteNotes.txt, specifically the comments about htmlarea.js.

  06/23/06 22:40:06 changed by peterjh

Ok, I see now. But can’t the user just bypass the paste icon by hitting CTL+V into the main window anyway? Am I missing something?

  06/23/06 23:18:00 changed by sava

The behavior is the same for both ctrl+V and the paste icon. Both should invoke the popup

  06/29/06 19:18:13 changed by paul

  • milestone changed from 2.6.0 to 2.6.1.

  07/31/06 14:04:51 changed by paul

  • owner changed from peterjh to paul.
  • status changed from assigned to new.

  07/31/06 14:13:13 changed by paul

  • status changed from new to assigned.

  08/18/06 19:17:36 changed by paul

  • owner changed from paul to holman.
  • status changed from assigned to new.

  08/21/06 21:07:59 changed by mugur

  • milestone changed from 2.6.1 to 3.0.0.

  08/30/06 16:48:05 changed by paul

  • owner changed from holman to anonymous.
  • milestone changed from 3.0.0 to zero.