Ticket #1365 (new enhancement)

Opened 4 years ago

Last modified 4 months ago

Create a text-only navigation menu as an alternative to the javascript menu

Reported by: sava Assigned to:
Priority: normal Milestone: zero
Component: Admin Interface Version:
Severity: feature Keywords:

Description (Last modified by paul)

For people using weird browsers (e.g. on mobile or ancient devices) or with special needs, it would be useful if we would have a text-only version of the main navigation menu. Doesn’t need to be fancy, just orderly… I am sure John could come up with some JavaScript? to Text “degrader”…

Change History

  08/03/05 22:33:51 changed by sava

  • severity changed from minor to feature.

  08/04/05 06:49:39 changed by paul

The new version of JSCookMenu can do this now. (this is what we are

  09/05/05 21:46:39 changed by paul

  • owner changed from paul to john.
  • status changed from assigned to new.
  • description changed.

This can easily be done with the new programmable menu API. Assigning it to John, but if he doesnt want to do it, then move to 3.1.

  11/07/05 04:20:42 changed by paul

  • owner deleted.
  • version changed from 2.4.0 to none.
  • milestone changed from 2.4.0 to none.

  05/14/09 00:09:34 changed by mugur

  • version deleted.
  • type changed from defect to enhancement.