Revision 4395 (by paul, 01/25/06 21:35:19) |
<?php /** * @param array p_dbColumns * @param User p_user * @return void */ function editor_load_xinha($p_dbColumns, $p_user) { global $Campsite; $stylesheetFile = $Campsite['HTML_COMMON_DIR'] ."/priv/articles/article_stylesheet.css"; ?> <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ _editor_url = "/javascript/xinha/"; _editor_lang = "<?php p($_REQUEST['TOL_Language']); ?>"; _campsite_article_id = <?php echo $_REQUEST['f_article_number']; ?>; //]]> </script> <!-- Load the HTMLArea file --> <script type="text/javascript" src="/javascript/xinha/htmlarea.js"></script> <!-- Special Campsite functionality --> <script type="text/javascript"> function CampsiteSubhead(editor, objectName, object) { if (!HTMLArea.is_ie) { // This statement crashes in the most bizarre way on IE. // If you remove the "parent = " here, then it doesnt crash. // So IE will allow subheads within subheads (bad), while // the code below will prevent that for the other browsers. parent = editor.getParentElement(); if ((parent.tagName.toLowerCase() == "span") && (parent.className.toLowerCase()=="campsite_subhead")) { editor.selectNodeContents(parent); editor.updateToolbar(); return false; } else { editor.surroundHTML('<span class="campsite_subhead">', '</span>'); } } else { editor.surroundHTML('<span class="campsite_subhead">', '</span>'); } } // fn CampsiteSubhead /** * Handler for creating an internal campsite link. * This is a copy of the _createlink function, except that it calls * a different popup window. */ function CampsiteInternalLink(editor, objectName, object, link) { var outparam = null; if (typeof link == "undefined") { link = editor.getParentElement(); if (link) { if (/^img$/i.test(link.tagName)) { link = link.parentNode; } if (!/^a$/i.test(link.tagName)) { link = null; } } } popupWindowTarget = "campsite_internal_link.php?TOL_Language=<?php p($_REQUEST["TOL_Language"]); ?>"; if (!link) { var sel = editor._getSelection(); var range = editor._createRange(sel); var compare = 0; if (HTMLArea.is_ie) { compare = range.compareEndPoints("StartToEnd", range); } else { compare = range.compareBoundaryPoints(range.START_TO_END, range); } if (compare == 0) { alert(HTMLArea._lc("You need to select some text before creating a link")); return; } outparam = { f_href : '', f_title : '', f_target : '', f_usetarget : editor.config.makeLinkShowsTarget }; } else { outparam = { f_href : HTMLArea.is_ie ? editor.stripBaseURL(link.href) : link.getAttribute("href"), f_title : link.title, f_target :, f_usetarget : editor.config.makeLinkShowsTarget }; // Pass the arguments to the popup window so that it // can populate the dropdown controls. popupWindowTarget += "&" + outparam["f_href"].replace("campsite_internal_link?", ""); } editor._popupDialog(popupWindowTarget, function(param) { if (!param) { return false; } var a = link; if (!a) { try { editor._doc.execCommand("createlink", false, param.f_href); a = editor.getParentElement(); var sel = editor._getSelection(); var range = editor._createRange(sel); if (!HTMLArea.is_ie) { a = range.startContainer; if (!/^a$/i.test(a.tagName)) { a = a.nextSibling; if (a == null) { a = range.startContainer.parentNode; } } } } catch(e) {} } else { var href = param.f_href.trim(); editor.selectNodeContents(a); if (href == "") { editor._doc.execCommand("unlink", false, null); editor.updateToolbar(); return false; } else { a.href = href; } } if (!(a && /^a$/i.test(a.tagName))) { return false; } = param.f_target.trim(); a.title = param.f_title.trim(); editor.selectNodeContents(a); editor.updateToolbar(); }, outparam); }; xinha_editors = null; xinha_init = null; xinha_config = null; xinha_plugins = null; // This contains the names of textareas we will make into Xinha editors xinha_init = xinha_init ? xinha_init : function() { /** STEP 1 *************************************************************** * First, what are the plugins you will be using in the editors on this * page. List all the plugins you will need, even if not all the editors * will use all the plugins. ************************************************************************/ xinha_plugins = xinha_plugins ? xinha_plugins : [ <?php if ($p_user->hasPermission("EditorImage")) { ?> 'ImageManager', <?php } ?> <?php if ($p_user->hasPermission('EditorTable')) { ?> 'TableOperations', <?php } ?> <?php if ($p_user->hasPermission('EditorListNumber')) { ?> 'ListType', <?php } ?> <?php if ($p_user->hasPermission("EditorEnlarge")) { ?> 'FullScreen', <?php } ?> 'WordPaste', 'CharacterMap', 'FindReplace', //'RemoveParagraphs' ]; // THIS BIT OF JAVASCRIPT LOADS THE PLUGINS, NO TOUCHING :) if(!HTMLArea.loadPlugins(xinha_plugins, xinha_init)) return; /** STEP 2 *************************************************************** * Now, what are the names of the textareas you will be turning into * editors? ************************************************************************/ xinha_editors = xinha_editors ? xinha_editors : [ <?php $xinhaEditors = array(); foreach ($p_dbColumns as $dbColumn) { if (stristr($dbColumn->getType(), "blob")) { $xinhaEditors[] = "'".$dbColumn->getName()."'"; } } echo implode(",", $xinhaEditors); ?> ]; /** STEP 3 *************************************************************** * We create a default configuration to be used by all the editors. * If you wish to configure some of the editors differently this will be * done in step 4. * * If you want to modify the default config you might do something like this. * * xinha_config = new HTMLArea.Config(); * xinha_config.width = 640; * xinha_config.height = 420; * *************************************************************************/ xinha_config = xinha_config ? xinha_config : new HTMLArea.Config(); xinha_config.statusBar = false; xinha_config.htmlareaPaste = true; xinha_config.killWordOnPaste = true; xinha_config.flowToolbars = false; xinha_config.mozParaHandler = "built-in"; // Change the built-in icon for "web link" linkIcon = _editor_url + xinha_config.imgURL + "ed_campsite_link.gif"; xinha_config.btnList["createlink"] = [ "Insert Web Link", linkIcon, false, function(e) {e._createLink();} ], // Change the removeformat button to work in text mode. xinha_config.btnList["removeformat"] = [ "Remove formatting", ["ed_buttons_main.gif",4,4], true, function(e) {e.execCommand("removeformat");} ], // Put the "find-replace" plugin in a better location xinha_config.addToolbarElement([], ["FR-findreplace"], 0); // Add in our style sheet for the "subheads". xinha_config.pageStyle = "<?php echo str_replace("n", "", file_get_contents($stylesheetFile)); ?>"; <?php if ($p_user->hasPermission('EditorSubhead')) { ?> subheadTooltip = HTMLArea._lc('Subhead', 'Campsite'); xinha_config.registerButton({ // The ID of the button. id : "campsite-subhead", // The tooltip. tooltip : subheadTooltip, // Image to be displayed in the toolbar. image : "/javascript/xinha/images/campsite_subhead.gif", // TRUE = enabled in text mode // FALSE = disabled in text mode textMode : false, // Called when the button is clicked. action : CampsiteSubhead, // The button will be disabled if outside // the specified element. context : '' }); <?php } ?> <?php if ($p_user->hasPermission('EditorLink')) { ?> internalLinkTooltip = HTMLArea._lc('Insert Internal Link', 'Campsite'); xinha_config.registerButton({ // The ID of the button. id : "campsite-internal-link", // The tooltip. tooltip : internalLinkTooltip, // Image to be displayed in the toolbar. image : "/javascript/xinha/images/campsite_internal_link.gif", // TRUE = enabled in text mode // FALSE = disabled in text mode textMode : false, // Called when the button is clicked. action : CampsiteInternalLink, // The button will be disabled if outside // the specified element. context : '' }); <?php } $toolbar1 = array(); if ($p_user->hasPermission('EditorBold')) { $toolbar1[] = ""bold""; } if ($p_user->hasPermission('EditorItalic')) { $toolbar1[] = ""italic""; } if ($p_user->hasPermission('EditorUnderline')) { $toolbar1[] = ""underline""; } if ($p_user->hasPermission('EditorStrikethrough')) { $toolbar1[] = ""strikethrough""; } if ($p_user->hasPermission('EditorTextAlignment')) { $toolbar1[] = ""justifyleft""; $toolbar1[] = ""justifycenter""; $toolbar1[] = ""justifyright""; $toolbar1[] = ""justifyfull""; } if ($p_user->hasPermission('EditorIndent')) { $toolbar1[] = ""outdent""; $toolbar1[] = ""indent""; } if ($p_user->hasPermission('EditorCopyCutPaste')) { $toolbar1[] = ""copy""; $toolbar1[] = ""cut""; $toolbar1[] = ""paste""; $toolbar1[] = ""space""; } if ($p_user->hasPermission('EditorUndoRedo')) { $toolbar1[] = ""undo""; $toolbar1[] = ""redo""; } if ($p_user->hasPermission('EditorTextDirection')) { $toolbar1[] = ""lefttoright""; $toolbar1[] = ""righttoleft""; } if ($p_user->hasPermission('EditorLink')) { $toolbar1[] = ""campsite-internal-link""; $toolbar1[] = ""createlink""; } if ($p_user->hasPermission('EditorSubhead')) { $toolbar1[] = ""campsite-subhead""; } if ($p_user->hasPermission('EditorImage')) { $toolbar1[] = ""insertimage""; } if ($p_user->hasPermission('EditorSourceView')) { $toolbar1[] = ""htmlmode""; } if ($p_user->hasPermission('EditorEnlarge')) { $toolbar1[] = ""popupeditor""; } if ($p_user->hasPermission('EditorHorizontalRule')) { $toolbar1[] = ""inserthorizontalrule""; } if ($p_user->hasPermission('EditorFontColor')) { $toolbar1[] = ""forecolor""; $toolbar1[] = ""hilitecolor""; } if ($p_user->hasPermission('EditorSubscript')) { $toolbar1[] = ""subscript""; } if ($p_user->hasPermission('EditorSuperscript')) { $toolbar1[] = ""superscript""; } $toolbar2 = array(); // Slice up the first toolbar if it is too long. if (count($toolbar1) > 24) { $toolbar2 = array_splice($toolbar1, 24); } // This is to put the bulleted and numbered list controls // on the most appropriate line of the toolbar. if ($p_user->hasPermission('EditorListBullet') && $p_user->hasPermission('EditorListNumber') && count($toolbar1) < 15) { $toolbar1[] = ""insertunorderedlist""; $toolbar1[] = ""insertorderedlist""; } elseif ($p_user->hasPermission('EditorListBullet') && !$p_user->hasPermission('EditorListNumber') && count($toolbar1) < 24) { $toolbar1[] = ""insertunorderedlist""; } elseif (!$p_user->hasPermission('EditorListBullet') && $p_user->hasPermission('EditorListNumber') && count($toolbar1) < 16) { $toolbar1[] = ""insertorderedlist""; } else { if ($p_user->hasPermission('EditorListBullet')) { $toolbar2[] = ""insertunorderedlist""; } if ($p_user->hasPermission('EditorListNumber')) { $toolbar2[] = ""insertorderedlist""; } } if ($p_user->hasPermission('EditorFontFace')) { $toolbar2[] = ""formatblock""; $toolbar2[] = ""fontname""; } if ($p_user->hasPermission('EditorFontSize')) { $toolbar2[] = ""fontsize""; } // This is to fix ticket #1602. You only want the line break if // there is more than one line in the toolbar. if (count($toolbar2) > 0 || $p_user->hasPermission('EditorTable')) { $toolbar1[] = ""linebreak""; } ?> xinha_config.toolbar = [ [ <?php echo implode(",", $toolbar1); ?> ], <?php if (count($toolbar2) > 0) { ?> [ <?php echo implode(",", $toolbar2); ?> ], <?php } ?> <?php if ($p_user->hasPermission('EditorTable')) { ?> [ "linebreak", "inserttable" ], <?php } ?> ]; /** STEP 3 *************************************************************** * We first create editors for the textareas. * * You can do this in two ways, either * * xinha_editors = HTMLArea.makeEditors(xinha_editors, xinha_config, xinha_plugins); * * if you want all the editor objects to use the same set of plugins, OR; * * xinha_editors = HTMLArea.makeEditors(xinha_editors, xinha_config); * xinha_editors['myTextArea'].registerPlugins(['Stylist','FullScreen']); * xinha_editors['anotherOne'].registerPlugins(['CSS','SuperClean']); * * if you want to use a different set of plugins for one or more of the * editors. ************************************************************************/ xinha_editors = HTMLArea.makeEditors(xinha_editors, xinha_config, xinha_plugins); /** STEP 4 *************************************************************** * If you want to change the configuration variables of any of the * editors, this is the place to do that, for example you might want to * change the width and height of one of the editors, like this... * * xinha_editors.myTextArea.config.width = 640; * xinha_editors.myTextArea.config.height = 480; * ************************************************************************/ /** STEP 5 *************************************************************** * Finally we "start" the editors, this turns the textareas into * Xinha editors. ************************************************************************/ HTMLArea.startEditors(xinha_editors); } window.onload = xinha_init; </script> <!--<link href="/javascript/xinha/skins/xp-blue/skin.css" rel="Stylesheet" />--> <?php } // fn editor_load_xinha ?>
Note: See TracBrowser for help on using the browser.