{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (7 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Severity Priority Owner Modified
#497 Unable to get past log-in page in Dream User interface new minor normal anonymous 11/16/05
#434 Wrong value message inadequate User interface new tweak normal anonymous 09/02/04
#433 The label ‘Zip’ should be changed User interface new trivial normal anonymous 08/29/04
#432 Unhelpful error message User interface new text normal anonymous 08/26/04
#420 Localization Configuration new major normal anonymous 11/24/05
#484 Dream – interface at http://campino-dev.mdlf.org:8080/dream/servlet/dream/ does not load in Konqueror User interface closed minor normal anonymous 12/07/04
#429 Unable to delete project category Database closed invalid feature normal nenad 08/20/04
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.